Jul 15, 2010

Two Random Topics

Firstly, who likes to be alone? Nobody likes to be alone right? Especially after a break up. Everyone has opinion on how long it takes to recover from a break up. Half the length of the relationship, one week of every months for you together, 10,000 drinks maybe or for some womanizer out there measuring it from the bed to the door.XD JK. But for me, you start to recover when you meet the person who gets you back in the game. Anyway~, it's tough in anyhow, the breakup. But that's when we discover who we really are, what we really want. Everyone deserves that, deserves to be themselves. Right?

Then, another completely unrelated topic. Are you READY? I mean what is being ready even mean? Every time I thought i'm ready, it whine up being disastrous. I'll be honest guys, i'm a little scared. But then, aren't we all scared? Doesn't being scared let you know that you're on something important? If you're not scared, you're not taking a chance. And if you're not taking a chance, then what the hell you're doing? Right?

Random things, haha. Was bored in cafe recently, taking advantage of the wifi. LOL. Till the next time... ^^


Cassey said...

Respond to first topic:
I'll tell u how long I take when I recover =)

Scionite said...

awesome if only i could talk to you in person on random things :D

TttTaAaA ™ ツ said...

Cassey: :)that's why i'm on this topic.. haha
Matt: haha, sure. that would be great! ^^