Jul 13, 2010


Another day goes by... haha. One day din on Facebook. Yeah me! XD I watched a movie called "Windtalker" today. Here to talk about something... XD. You know how they say when you know you gonna leave someone or something in the future, you don't get too friendly or too close with them. In the movie, Enders said to Ox that don't get too friendly with the Navajos. Their mission is to protect the code, which the navajos are using them in US army communication. They have to kill them, if the Japanese caught anyone of the Navajos, to protect to code. But then, it's their duty too, to make sure their safety. Enders at first is following the saying that, why get close with them when you might have to kill them in the end. Like all the CIAs or army people, mostly won't get too emotional or get too attached to someone. Like they say, why keep a dog, when you know it will break your heart when it leaves you.Understand what i'm saying? XD

When you know your friend will leave you someday soon, will you not get too attached with them? Coz you know you'll be sad when they leave you. Does it make worth?

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