Sep 28, 2011



28/9 早上 8:30,刷牙,冲凉,早餐,

Sep 27, 2011




Sep 6, 2011

Sea Shells

"Listen to the sea shells,
             Listen to the memories"


Our lives are shaped by our experiences. Our experiences are preserved in our memories. If you could look through a window that softened the edge between reality and fiction, what would you want to see? What would you want to remember? 

Sound of the ocean, kept in the shells, like memories. I love the ocean. The beach, can be representing metaphorical scenes for both happy and sad. The sunrise and the sunset, captured, in the shell.

For me now, i saw something in the shell. For one single arbitrary moment. I've gathered enough courage to whisper something in her ear. Something I always known but never told her, holding my breath only makes my heart beat faster. and then,... doesn't matter. The edge between reality and fiction is blurred. In reality now, she...

She looks at me for the first time... differently, but with the same eyes that I felt in love with...

A story based on reality or a story based on fiction. Maybe one day, fiction can become reality.

Sep 5, 2011

Stairway to Heaven

This one is the classic of the classic. Released in the late 1971. one of the greatest rock songs of all-time. 

"This song makes me wanna strip naked, burst out of my window, free fall 28 floors, faceplant in the snow, make a snow angel mixed with my own blood, shiver from the cold, get hypothermia, DIE, go the pearly gate, say wuzzup to Jesus, do our secret hand shake, look for Buddha, find him, have him reincarnate me into a frog, meet a princess, kiss her, turn into a prince, order my subjects to bring me a computer, listen to this song again, cry myself to sleep. Wake up.. Repeat." XD

" I'm not some top 40 song, easily digestible. I'm complex, and require multiple listens. I'm Stairway to Heaven."
 Ted Mosby