Nov 17, 2010


“说话得体”就是要让言语富有弹性。- 佚名 

有一个妇人心中有烦恼,于是跟神父请教: “我的邻居是双薪家庭,夫妻两人平时工作都很累,但是丈夫回家后,是翘着脚喝茶看报纸,妻子却要打点一家人的晚餐,教孩子功课,直到深夜才拖着疲惫的身体去休息,真是太不公平了!”

神父问: “那么,你是否有问过邻居的太太,她心里觉得怎样?”

“有啊!我跟她说了好多次,但她总是说她爱丈夫,小孩,累一点没关系。亏我这么热心,她还这么不领情,真是好心没好报!” 妇人叹了口气,一副很无奈的样子。

不料,神父不但没有安慰她,反而板起脸,严肃地说: “你这不叫热心,这叫鸡婆!”

“为什么?” 妇人非常吃惊: “圣经不是告诉我们,要爱所有的人吗?”

“他的生活虽然很辛苦,但她因为做得心甘情愿,所以不但不觉得苦,还能甘之如饴,这么一来,家庭就能保持和乐; 如果她听了你的话,从此不管丈夫孩子,势必掀起家庭革命,你说她家能不乱吗?” 神父微笑地说: “这下你知道热心与鸡婆之间的差异了吧?”



直到有一天,她在等公车的时候,发现隔壁站了一个胖胖的小姐,于是她兴致勃勃地走上前,跟她说: “小姐!你一定想减肥对不对?介绍给你一个减肥医生,真的很有效……” 但是这回,她没有看到感兴趣的脸,高兴的脸,只看到一张垮下来的脸。然后这个胖小姐冷冷的对她说: “我胖关你什么事?谁要你鸡婆?”






取自于  - 《幸福就像狗尾巴》(黄桐)
Yakult! went to industrial visit at Yakult factory at Seremban yesterday. haha, it's funny that for every malaysian's thinking, they always think, going there, they only think of getting what free stuffs... hahaha. Constant like hearing ppl say bring back free Yakult for me ya? XD Go Topgolve get free glove? Go Amsteel get free steel? go Gas Malaysia get free gas? LOL~ XD But what's more hilarious is, the factory is more "malaysian thinking" than you all.... hahaha, Go there, we have to buy the Yakult there with only 10sen cheaper than in the market. haha, ok la, at least they give us each one Yakult Ace Light, as a promotion to us to this new product.

Probiotic Strain, or Shirota Stain, is actually very good. For those who have unbalanced diet, food poisoning and intake alot of antibiotics, to keep the good and bad bacterial in our system balanced. XD According to them, it's also good for aging and also stress people.. XD So, it's not like a drink for kids, adults need it more than we do. XD 

Seeing the machines there, can imagine how complicated the streamline diagram would be in details. Then you can see one guy is actually just staring at the empty and just moulded bottles running fast through his eyes by machines for long time, imagine that, wouldn't it be boring? haha, if for me, i will be also fermented (fat mou) like the Yakult drink of boredoom. XD But mostly are machine operated, so whole factory only consist about 40 workers. They just have to maintain then and checking the products process. 

Just abit annoyed that initially we traveled one hour to the Shah Alam headquarter. Due to "misscomunication", we suppose to go Seremban factory. THEN we have to travel one more hour back to where we came from and have about 45 minutes to go the factory. =.= Time wasting~ 

 -=Cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food products=-
-=Yakult packing of diff. country=-
Malaysia have the most special bottle because of some funny reason of other copycat company issue. XD


BING said...

棒!!那本书真的需要和你借来看看了~ 哈哈~

TttTaAaA ™ ツ said...

拿咯~ 哈哈