May 21, 2010

End of an Era Brings a New One

Fuh! 19 already huh? yea, feels old though. I swear to you I feels old. Alot of things had change, my appearance had change, my thinking had change, my reaction to things had change, my way of treating people had change. Living in this world for 18 years, I'd done alot of silly things around, one of the coolest was last night! Last night I was surprised! I got a really really surprised pool birthday party from my awesome uni friends! Get threw in the pool~ well, that's a must for a pool party, haha. Get really crazy and painful, a "dum S hole" cake, wishes all around, attendance of lots of friends, get all wet, and another surprise of Loh Fei Kean... haha. I'd been blurred this whole time. 1st, I really thought I'm going for a calm swim (well, I get my swim alright, with the help of 3 brothers, Yap Yong Yaw, Chan Bing Yuan, and Elton! XD), and second, I really really thought she's not on-campus for the whole time. Hmm... all that doesn't matter, as long as I had a great time with y'all and get krazy and all wet!
Once again, thnx to my dearest friends who planned this sweet celebration, Elton, Bing, Steve, Daniel, Shannon and all..... piuh~

 -=You guys are the coolest!=-

Now, after these 18 years, ask yourself, does these 18 silly things you'd done before, with the addition of my own favourite - call you and poke your cheek from behind! haha, that's the most fun! XD









8、拍別人左邊 站在別人右邊









17、下雨的時候,拿起傘故意往雨大的地方走去 聽雨啪啪的聲音 感覺很爽


and of course one more is, my favourite, the face poking thing! muhahahahahahahah....

Thank you, guys. I totally appreciate it! 
Till the next time... Chao~

Awesome video by Jack Ting


Cassey said...

wah,look like I did a lot of crazy things as u mentioned above =)
I just haven't try no 10,11,12,13&16.
And the one I love the most also the face poking, really enjoy playing it ^^

Hope u enjoy ur 19th birthday XD

TttTaAaA ™ ツ said...

haha, these silly acts are fun! =D
Yea~ Enjoy! Sure enjoy.. XD

DanielTAN said...

I think i did all 18 things leh....and now i still continue to do some of them!

TttTaAaA ™ ツ said...

Good, good, it's expected from you, Daniel tan... haha XD

BING said...

i did all of them too.. except the one sticking the paper writing 'im an idiot' on other back.. hahaXD.. N i think i shud try more face poking!! Cannot always let u n Cassey keep on poking my faceT.T~ hahaXD....

TttTaAaA ™ ツ said...

I'm the king of face poking thingy here! wahahahahahah~~~~ XD