Oct 30, 2011


"In the night I heart them talk, the coldest story ever told. Somewhere far along this road he lost his soul, to a woman so heartless..."
That how Kanye look at it. LOL

My mind is currently a bad place to be at, with complicated troubles, problems, worries, and memories. That's pretty much what's not in a little kids life. 


Childish, depends how you look at it, doesn't mean immature. It maybe mean when you see how fucked up the world, when you see what reality is, you still can absorb it, smile and be yourself. Same with making a fool of yourself, being the one who give, give too much of a damn sometimes, and still give a chance to this world, a chance to give back. 

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie

Keep fighting though, keep learning in all aspect, keep improving, keep full living, regardless the world, 走上理想王道,不忘记过程。

Sorry for being that way that night though. Embarrassed. Something about Gemini that we should know, showing the weak and trembling side is a shame, a last thing they would bring it out. In this case, it just burst out of tough holding and reason of a worst thing that would happened. Ignorance is what's would be expected, but, it's not about the movie, tell you that. And it's not just a story.
Anyways, it gives impact.
人生就是不停的戰鬥,就從為妳受罰開始  :)

p/s: it's not the movie that i found sad, it's the sad commentary i saw is any life.

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