Aug 19, 2011


Learn alil' bit of something yesterday from my friend, something can help you to avoid some awkwardness and, you know, at least to know.

Islamic praying schedule (dunno how to name this obviously LOLxD)

Subuh (in english means dawn) -- 6.00am-7.00am
Zuhur -- 1.30pm-4.30pm (it depends on the sun they say,starts when it's slightly crooked away from top of your head)
Asal -- 4.30pm-7.30pm
Maghrib -- 7.30pm-8.30pm (this is when they open fast, it also said to see the weather to open fast, when the sun is down but the sky is still not darken)
Isyak -- 8.30pm-6.00am

It's been over half a month since islam friends start fasting, so, respect and understand. bye :)

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